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Monotonic Stack

  • The word "monotonic" means a list or a function is either always increasing, or always decreasing.
    • In that case, a "monotonic stack" or a "monotonic deque" is a stack or a deque that has this property.
  • Monotonic stack is like a regular stack with one key distinction in the push operation:
    • Before we push a new element onto the stack, we first check if adding it breaks the monotonic condition.
    • If it does, then we pop the top element off the stack until pushing the new element no longer breaks the monotonic condition.

Monotonic Decreasing Stack Code Template

def mono_stack(nums):
n = len(nums)
stack = []
result = [-1] * n

for index, elt in range(n):
while stack and nums[stack[-1]] < elt:
result[stack[-1]] = elt


return result

Application of Monotonic Stack